Blog parivaar

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Happy Doctor's day

Respect the white coat that all doctors wear;
Respect the stethoscope with which they hear;
Respect the prescriptions they write and tear;

Respect all doctors for they truly care!

To treat diseases, some doctors do dare;
They try their best for all patients to fare;
Some of them are doyens, pioneers rare;
Some do miraculous feats, at which all stare!

Wish doctors all, ‘A Happy Doctors Day! '
Thank them for their hard work and pray today;
Remember, they keep diseases at bay;
Most doctors do their jobs in noble ways!


  1. मानव एवं मानवेतर जीवों के कष्टों और पीड़ाओं को शमित कर जीवन को नीरोग एवं स्वस्थ बनाने को कृत-संकल्प डाक्टरों का आभार स्वीकार करते हुये उनका अभिनन्दन !
    संसार के सभी चिकित्सक तन-मन से स्वस्थ एवं प्रसन्न रहें !

  2. स्वंत्रता-दिवस की कोटि कोटि वधाइयां !बहुत sundar
    रचना के लिये साधुवाद !!

  3. स्वंत्रता-दिवस की कोटि कोटि वधाइयां सार्थक रचना के लिये साधुवाद !!

  4. Dear Aditi,

    I address you with your name because I have a natural right to do so because I am 63 years old having a daughter of about your age. Thus I assume you equavellent to her. She is a Vyakaranacharya with gold medal and a class one officer.

    Now coming to the point, I visit your hindi and english blogs daily. I have started to expand the headings given in your blog about scams during neharu regime and published two of them(Jeep Scam and Cycle scam) on my blog I have decided to expand all the topics given in your english blog.

    I have done my best as per my knowledge and now I request you to please check my work on my blog"" and advise me any thing to be added or modified. Any thing which is not in my knowledge will be added if you advise me.

    One more thing I will request you to please activete the translator and the contact me form on your blogs
